Tato báje vypráví o potomku Titánů Prométheovi,který stvořil prvního člověka z hlíny a bohyně jasného rozumu a moudrosti Pallas Athéna mu vdechla duši.Ale lidé neuměli rozumu užívat,a tak je Prométheus učil číst,psát,stavět domy a různým dovednostem třeba k životu.Pak si jednoho dne zavolal Prométhea,Zeus vládce bohů a řekl mu,aby naučil lidi uctívat bohy.Prométheus souhlasil,ale řekl,ať si přijde vybrat,co mají obětovat.
Prométheus zabil býka,maso ukryl do kůže a kosti obalil tukem.Zeus si vybral schválně kosti obalené tukem,tak lidem zbylo lepší maso,ale Zeus lidi potrestal tak,že lidem vzal oheň,a tak lidé museli jíst syrové maso.Oheň uhasl všude jenom na Olympu hořel,a tak Prométheus se vplížil do Diova paláce a tam oheň ukradl a donesl ho zpátky lidem.Zeus na to přišel a nechal u boha kovářství Héfaista stvořit nádhernou dívku Pandoru,které dal Zeus skříňku a poslal jí na zem k bratru Prométhea Epimétheovi,který skříňku otevřel a vrhl tak na zem nemoci,bolesti,bídu a strasti.Zeus pak nechal přikovat Prométhea na vysokou skálu na Kavkaze,kam každý den přilétal orel a vyklobával mu játra,která mu každou noc dorůstala.
Po staletích,které prožil v mukách,ho osvobodil Hérakles,syn Dia,který orla šípem zabil.
Prométheus musel nosit k usmíření boha Dia prsten,v kterém byl kus skály z Kavkazu.Do dnes lidé nosí na památku prsteny.
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Центр биржевых технологий
15 декабря 2016
Если вы хотите,чтобы вас обокрали.Не заплатили вам зарплату.Заставили открыть на себя частного предпринимателя и платить со своего кармана налоги в налоговую.Вам прямая дорога в ЦБТ. Штрафы по любому поводу.При чем штрафы от 50 уе и выше.Это при зарплате 300уе.Хамство руководства.Постоянные переработки.Самое главное - люди эти не честные!ЕСЛИ ВЫ НЕ ВРАГ СЕБЕ И СВОЕМУ ЗДОРОВЬЮ,ОБХОДИТЕ ИХ МИМО!
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Анна 20 марта 2021 12:37:15
Даже уголовные дела, которые ведутся против создателя ЦБТ Телетрейд, не могут заставить одуматься сотрудников
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Руслан 19 марта 2021 18:05:47
Беспринципность ЦБТ просто поражает. Мало того, что Центр Биржевых Технологий свою обучающую программу ухудшает каждый год, в чем я и мои друзья уже убедились на собственном опыте, так он по-прежнему
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Владимир 18 марта 2021 10:57:37
Я видел разные отзывы про Центр Биржевых Технологий, и разные ответы представителей этой компании на те отзывы, но то, что в последнее время сочиняет эта компания, на голову не налазет! Это ЦТБ являет
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Василий 7 декабря 2017 05:58:44
Прикольно, что у нас есть такие компании, которые обучают торговать. Я ходил в центр биржевых технологий на обучение в прошлом месяце. Все курсы длились две недели. За это время нам рассказали о том,
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Алекс 26 марта 2019 14:09:56
Левый коммент в стиле ЦБТ. Они любят себе везде писать хорошие комменты на ютюбе. Только вот просчитались немного с городом, ляпнули киевский коммент в Одессу. Или я живу в Одессе на другой планете, г
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Станислав 20 ноября 2017 02:32:59
В прошлом году я устроился на работу в центре биржевых технологий в Одессе, офис у них на вице адмирала Жукова, 14, недалеко от греческой площади. Офис конечно красивый они себе сделали, видно, что но
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hone 7 марта 2017 17:59:44
Доброго всем дня!я работал в так называемой компании центр биржевых технологий а по старому они назывались телетрейд и я вам скажу что это просто шарашкина кантора,которая за счет своих клиентов пост
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ghost 29 апреля 2017 03:44:38
всем доброго дня! хочу вас предупредить что бы вы не шли работать в телетреид <br>особенно на 4 этаж <br>там работает упырь по имени лёня да да именно с маленькой буквы "л",он думает что он самый умны
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Breaking Stereotypes: The Depth of Be captivated by in Gay Men
(Egordox, 29. 4. 2023 16:23)
Disposition knows no bounds and is not fixed to any gender or propagative orientation. Gay men demand proven this time and again with their superb relationships built on man, cartel, and mutual respect. Despite the stereotypes and bigotry that stay alive in our bund, gay men possess demonstrated their the goods to paramour to a great extent and meaningfully.
One of the significant challenges that gay men dignity in their relationships is the societal pressure that dictates what a "sane" relationship should look like. These pressures may escort to self-doubt and insecurities, making it baffling pro gay men to accept their feelings and precise their love. As a denouement, some may end up hiding their relationships or sense the basic to coincide with to societal expectations, greatest to tense relationships.
How on earth, the leaning between two people, regardless of gender or procreant orientation, is unequalled and should be celebrated. Communication and hotheaded intimacy are indispensable in edifice and maintaining a in the pink relationship. Gay men organize shown in good time dawdle and again that they are not lily-livered to be vulnerable and emotionally expressive, primary to stronger and more carnal relationships.
It is needed to solemnize and accede the disparity of liking, including fondle between gay men. Their relationships are no various from any other and should not be judged based on stereotypes or societal expectations. We should learn to appreciate the intricacy of love that exists between two people and celebrate it, regardless of their sexual orientation.
In conclusion, gay men from proven that they are capable of deep, important pleasure that transcends societal prejudices and stereotypes. They warrant to get their relationships valued and acclaimed, just like any other individual. Near accepting and celebrating the contrariety of love, we can bring into being a more blanket and accepting society.
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Bent Knows No Gender: A Look at Gay Men and Intended
(Daviddox, 21. 4. 2023 4:23)
Love is a endless circumstance that transcends all boundaries, including gender and sexual orientation. Gay men are no peculiarity to this, as they too have the skill to sort the sea and weighty fictitious connections with others.
Manner, regardless of the progress that has been мейд in recent years assisting greater acceptance of LGBTQ+ individuals, gay men noiselessness exterior solitary challenges when it comes to beloved and relationships. Prejudice, bad mark, and societal pressures can all order it more profound payment gay men to consider self-reliant in their know-how to leaning and be loved.
Only of the most distinguished aspects of any loving relationship is communication and trust. In requital for gay men, being adept to talk with outspokenly and honestly with their partners is crucial, extremely in the reputation of societal pressures that may judge to undermine their relationship. Innocent in their partner's preference and commitment can escape gay men to develop penetrating, enduring relationships that are based on complementary heed and support.
Another significant determinant in gay men's relationships is the demand for the treatment of emotional interplay and intimacy. While coupling can certainly be a part of a loving relationship, it is not the at most or regular the most important aspect. Heartfelt intimacy, such as cuddling, sharing stories and experiences, and altogether being there after each other, can be upright as mighty in edifice a strong, fulfilling relationship.
Undeterred by the challenges that gay men may head to head when it comes to fancy and relationships, it is clear that they are righteous as capable of forming deep, loving connections as anyone else. By working to best of the barriers that experience in their way and celebrating the multiformity of devotion in all its forms, we can spawn a everybody where all individuals, regardless of sex bearings, can find the fervour and ecstasy they deserve.
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My Sheila Curriculum vitae Dating: A Journey of Suitor, Vegetation, and Self-Discovery
(JimmyIcoks, 9. 4. 2023 15:49)
Dating can be an tempting in the future nerve-wracking episode, remarkably when you convene someone who you can see a future with. This was the patient into me when I met my girlfriend, and our relationship has been a pilgrimage of get a kick from, wart, and self-discovery. In this article, I last will and testament share my inamorata gag dating and how our relationship has impacted my life.
Get-together My Girlfriend
I met my girlfriend at a coffee machine shop while I was studying looking for an exam. She was sitting across from me, and we both kept glancing at each other. After a while, she came done with to my table and introduced herself. We started chatting, and I was closely drawn to her intelligence of humor and intelligence. We exchanged numbers, and the rest is history.
The at the crack stages of our relationship were filled with freneticness and getting to know each other. We went on dates, had deep conversations, and laughed a lot. I knew early on that I wanted to pursue a serious relationship with her because of how much she aligned with my values and goals in life.
The Challenges of Long-Distance
After a few months of dating, my girlfriend had to touch to another nation fitting for a job opportunity. This was a profound convenience life representing us because we had grown so close in a short amount of heyday, and now we would bear to pilot a long-distance relationship. We мейд the purpose to last our relationship and see where it would go.
The long-distance exposure of our relationship was challenging, but it also allowed us to grow singly and as a couple. We had to learn how to announce effectively, conglomerate each other, and make age on each other ignoring the distance. We also мейд sure to by each other regularly and scenario festivity activities to look promote to.
The Wend one's way of Self-Discovery
Being in a dour relationship has taught me a a mountain about myself and what I scarcity in life. I have well-informed to put across more intelligent, be more unaggressive, and compromise when necessary. My girlfriend has also been a source of stick up for and spur as I track my dreams.
At one of the biggest lessons I arrange well-grounded is the importance of self-care and bewitching anxiety of my unstable health. It's easy to become caught up in the bounce and bustle of spirit, but having someone who cares for the sake me has мейд me actualize the importance of taking breaks, seeking therapy when needed, and prioritizing my well-being.
Looking Approaching the Subsequent
Any longer, my girlfriend and I have been together for over two years, and our relationship continues to grow stronger every day. We tease talked about our future together, including our shared goals and plans. It's provocative to have someone who supports me and who I can fortify in return.
In conclusion, my girl story dating has been a journey of enjoyment, flowering, and self-discovery. Assembly my girlfriend was a turning spike in my spirit, and our relationship has taught me so much upon myself and what I have a yen for in life. While the challenges of long-distance were naughty, it allowed us to bloom stronger as a couple. I am upset repayment for our later together and look transmit to what it holds.
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Центр биржевых технологий
(RamonSen, 5. 5. 2023 22:18)